
mercredi 30 septembre 2015

Moto X Play Android 5.1.1 Stuck in Bootloader

Hello everyone,

I've managed to unlock the bootloader and flash TWRP recovery 2.8.7 onto my Moto X Play to install SuperSU v2.46 and root the device.

However, when I opened the SuperSU installer, it had a message saying that the SuperSU binary was not installed and it was a fatal error. I then booted the device into bootloader mode through the command terminal on my PC and tried to restart it from there but now it is stuck. The command terminal said that the reboot had been done, but after typing in the same command again and hitting enter, it said <waiting for device>.

I've tried holding down the power button along with different combinations, but they do not work. It is probably bricked. So how can I fix this?
Any help regarding this issue will be much appreciated, thanks in advance.

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