
mercredi 30 septembre 2015

Note 5, flip it or love it?


Brief background, want to make this small post here.

Had the S4 for a year, actually enjoyed it for what it was worth, wanted out as soon as we knew for sure there was no root. Stock Touchwiz was just terrible on the 4.

I've never had the chance to own a Nexus device before, my carrier upgrades always came just before the Nexus devices were released, and I've been so ready to upgrade when it comes I jump on it.

This time around I stuck with my G3 for a while. I love this phone. I'm ready for new, and the phones coming out this year are not quite "notable"

I really have my eyes on the Nexus 6P - but US carriers not selling it means I have a decision to make. Got my dad the Note 4 earlier this year, he likes it. I like it the little bit I've played with it. I feel I could even use the Note 5 to replace my notebook in class for notes. ATT bootloader seems to be like the S4. Not much will come of bootloader unlocks with this phone.. It appears.


So I will upgrade through ATT, probably to the Note 5. Question is - stay with the Note 5 and learn to love it, despite the experiences I've had with Samsung, or flip it unopened on CL and order up the N6P....??

I really do not want a subpar camera to the G3, nor do I want a dull screen. Both devices seem on par, both no SD, battery not removable on the Note... Cameras both good..

Anyone here want the Nexus 6P?! Willing to get rid of your Note 5 for it?

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